This pandemic we just went through, amirite!

I want to tell you about Live. Life. Latina, but it’s a bit of a long story, so hang in there with me!

If you don’t know me already, I’m Libby and you can learn more about me here. I’ve had a blog– Moments in My Head– for over 15 years. In 2010-ish I met this amazing woman named Jen through blogging. Though she lived in Sweden and I lived in Puerto Rico, we became fast friends and to this day I consider her my sister. 

We decided to collaborate on a project to feature creative works by women, and from that idea, More than Latina (MTL) was born. To tell you about the many iterations of MTL would make this longer, so I’ll just say there were many and for a variety of reasons, I never followed through with them.

Then, in January of 2020 I started therapy. The sessions not only helped me get through the difficult days of quarantine, but also helped me understand my lack of follow through, and to forgive myself for my failing, the short explanation: the bitch’s name is Depression.

Fast forward to today (June 19, 2021 in case the date doesn’t display automatically) and I have realized that I have spent years collecting projects, I am a hoarder of sorts. I wasn’t doing much of anything with them, but I wouldn’t let them go. So I had to figure out which were important to me, and make some decisions. I decided to get rid of everything except:

  • My personal blog, Moments in My Head, which had a lot of years of investment and;
  • My pet project, More than Latina, which has a following and a special place in my heart

So what’s a girl to do? 


So Moments in My Head will be archived, and More than Latina is now…

Live. Life. Latina, my personal blog, but also a call to action for myself. LIVE. LIFE!

I’ll be talking about mental & physical health, reading, learning, aging, politics and so much more. I hope you’ll stay with me in this new endeavor. I’d love to hear from you.

P.S. If you like our logo, check out the designer, and one of my favorite artists, Angelina Villanueva of A Design Studio here or here.